We’ve been using this tool for a few days now, and so far, it has impressed us quite a deal. Now, Pixelitor is nowhere on the same level as Adobe Photoshop, and that’s not a bad thing if you’re just looking to perform basic tasks more than anything else. Not only that, but the software doesn’t use a lot of Windows 10 system resources, which means, it should work just fine on an older computer. Before going any further, we should point out that Pixelitor is a Java application, therefore, you will need to download the Java Runtime Environment before installing it.

Pixelitor Graphics Editor program

Pixelitor is a free raster Graphics Editor program for Windows 10,that supports layers, layer masks, text layers, drawing, multiple undo, etc. It comes with more than 80 image filters and color adjustments. 1] Tips OK, so the first thing you will see after opening Pixelitor for the first time, is a tips box. This box will show relevant information each time the program starts, but if you would prefer not to have it come up each and every time, then remove the tick from Show tips on startup. 2] Add a new image

When it comes down to adding your first image, click on File > New Image, or CTRL + N. Yiu should now see a small window where the user is required to determine the width, height, and fill, and from there, hit the OK button. Right away, the user now has a place to work and create an image from scratch. 3] Open image

The next option is to work on an already created image. This can be done by selecting File > Open Image, or CTRL + O. Additionally, if you click File, the option is there to view recently used images. Also, keep in mind that you can have multiple images opened at the same time since each will be in its own tab. All tabs have a small x at the edge, so when you feel the need to close any one of them, just click on the x and you’re good to tango. 4] Time to edit a photo

Editing is very simple, especially if you have experience with image editors in the past. Many of the actions are the same or similar, so if you want to select a tool to use, just navigate to the left side of the program. Most of what you need is located there, which is nice. Now, in terms of simply resizing photos, please click on Image at the top, and from there, take advantage of the many options available to you in the dropdown menu. 5] Color and Filter Ahh yes! What is an image editor without the ability to use colors and filters? After all, this is the age of social media and Instagram. From the color section, folks can make changes to the color balance, saturation, and much more. However, make sure you understand what everything means, and what you’re doing. As for the filters, well, we have yet to see anything unique, so if you’ve filters in similar tools before, then you’ve seen it all. Download Pixelitor directly from the official page.

Pixelitor is a good Graphics Editor for Windows 10 - 34Pixelitor is a good Graphics Editor for Windows 10 - 41