You may get these spoofed web pages via some pop-up window or via email too. The spoofed web pages are so similar to the original web page that it can mislead anyone. The traffic between your web browser and the spoofed page is sent by the spoofers, which help them collect your personal details like contact numbers, account numbers, CC numbers, as well as the password. Spoofing nowadays is very common and can be done by anyone having control over your network’s configuration settings. He can just create a spoofed page of any website by modifying the DNS configurations, redirect you there and get your passwords.

How to avoid Password Spoofing

So, no matter how strong your password it, password spoofing can convince you to share the same. So, what can we do to avoid these spoofing attacks and save our data from these spoofers? So, staying careful is the best option to avoid spoofing attacks, but another simple way can help you stay safe.

Avoid using same passwords for different accounts.Create a strong password always.Use a good anti-virus software on your PC.Never click on any suspicious links arriving in your email.

Stay safe! Stay alert! Read next: What is Email Spoofing & how to protect yourself & stay safe.

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