Microsoft Office is a collection of many applications in it – like Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc. These are the most widely used Office apps and among them, all Microsoft Access is relatively less used. Many do not even bother to see what it is, assuming that it may be for professionals and not for them. In fact, this is not true. MS Access is another feature-rich application like Word or Excel and it is simple to use as well. In this post, I am going to tell you about Microsoft Access, its features, and using tips, so you could hopefully be able to use it quite easily.

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is basically a database management system and has the look and feel of other Microsoft Office products, including its layout and navigational aspects. Database Management System does not mean you have to know about SQL Server to use it. Everything on Access is GUI based and it can be easily used by clicking the appropriate buttons, to perform the desired actions.

Why use Microsoft Access

Consider yourself running a business, you sell things, buy things, and manage employees. You need a management tool to manage things at our office and you don’t know about SQL or RDMS applications. MS Access fits here; it provides you with a desktop database system just like another RDBMS. MS Access requires no configuration and special setup procedures to get started.

How to use Microsoft Access

Similarly, there are templates for:

Assets: which deals with products a company in trading withContacts: Manages contact details of people or employees.Issues: Manages customer grievances and issues.Events: Organizes events and their details.Marketing projects: For marketing and sales purpose.Projects: Manages assignments and company projects.Faculty: This is an employee management template.Student: For school and college administration purposes, and so on.

Creating a Blank Access Database

Microsoft Access gives you options to build a database from scratch. It starts with defining tables, attributes, and setting rules for these tables. You can create Macros or programmable modules to be used. You can set any constraints on these tables, be it primary key, foreign key, and Not NULL. This was just an overview of Microsoft Access. There are a bunch of features available that can help you create a custom database, store data, and manage data in the simple possible way. By using Microsoft Access for Rapid Application Development you can keep your costs down, MS Access is a Multi-User database; in the sense that from the beginning, Access was designed to operate on a network.

What are the basic steps in starting MS Access?

The first thing you need to know to get started with Microsoft Access is the type of database you want to work on. As this app offers countless options, you might be confused after opening it on your computer. However, you need to find the name and choose a template so that you can start using this tool within moments.

What are the basics of Microsoft Access?

The basics of Microsoft Access are mentioned in this article, and it is recommended to follow it entirely to understand how things work. Although it is pretty straightforward to start using a template to get a database done, you might find problems in the future when you will try to import that into another program. That is why you need to read the entire article to learn some of the basic tips and tricks of Microsoft Access. Microsoft says that the latest version will support 255 concurrent users. Advanced features on MS Access include sharing the Access database with multiple programs and exporting the database into other file formats. Read next: How to import Microsoft Access data into Microsoft Excel.