Backup Master Boot Record

MBR Backup helps you create a backup of your Master Boot Record. If you ever need to restore it you know, you will have a valid copy available. It offers two ways of backing up your MBR – to a file or by printing it. Printing it is actually the best method to back up your MBR, for several reasons:

With a printout, you always have a physical copy of the MBR to handNo chance of saving the MBR to a file on the hard drive that gets corruptedThe MBR is only 512 bytes in size. Typing it in manually will be the least of your concerns if all your data is gone.

MBR Backup download

You can download this freeware from its download page. See this if you need to Repair Master Boot Record. TIPS:

HDHacker helps you Backup & Restore Boot Sector & MBRProtect your computer’s Master Boot Record with MBR Filter.