While the feature might look old, it is made available from version 83. Microsoft- Says: Link doctor provides host correction and a search query to the users when they mistype a URL. For example, if a user mistypes “bimg as “bing”.com, Link Doctor will suggest “bing”.com as a correction and create a link to search for “bing.com” in case the user is looking for something different.

Make Edge suggest similar sites when a website can’t be found

While the word ‘Link Doctor‘ is used in docs.microsoft.com, it is not used in Edge settings; Instead an option — Suggest similar sites when a website can’t be found is seen. When a website doesnt resolve via the DNS, then tthe web address will be sent to Microsoft to try to find the right site. While it may seem an old feature, but it was introduced as part of Microsoft Edge version 83.

Open Microsoft Edge, and then click on the three-dot button to open the menu.Search for “Suggest similar sites” or navigate to the Edge://settings/privacy in the Edge address bar.In the result toggle-on the option Suggest similar sites when a website can’t be found.

That said, it is available in the Privacy section for a reason. If you do not like to send the data to Microsoft, then its best to toggle off, if you now make a mistake in the website address, you will receive a different error message which will recommend you to to check the connection, Checking the proxy, firewall, and DNS settings and Running Windows Network Diagnostics. Overall it is an excellent approach and a meaningful error message.  Users who are not tech-savvy enough will end up troubleshooting and puzzled, seeing this message because everything else seems to be working. There is no denying that the info is passed on to the Microsoft server, so ultimately, it will be consumers’ choice if they want to keep Link Doctor Featyurer enabled or disabled in Microsoft Edge.

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