List of Microsoft Store error codes, descriptions, resolution

While all the error codes have a description, some of the codes have resolution or causes or debugging or workaround. So in case you don’t find a solution, you can always search for those codes on our website. The Error Code, Description and Resolution/Workaround have been mentioned against each. 0x80073CFBERROR_PACKAGE_ALREADY_EXISTSThe provided package is already installed, and the reinstallation of the package is blocked.You may get this error if installing a package that is not bitwise identical to the package that is already installed. Note that the digital signature is also part of the package. Hence if a package is rebuilt or resigned, it is no longer bitwise identical to the previously installed package.Two possible options to fix this error are: (1) Increment the version number of the app, then rebuild and resign the package (2) Remove the old package for every user on the system before installing the new package. 0x80073CF0ERROR_INSTALL_OPEN_PACKAGE_FAILEDThe package couldn’t be opened.The package is unsigned, The publisher name doesn’t match the signing certificate subject, The file:// prefix is missing or the package couldn’t be found at the specified location.Suggestions: Check the AppxPackagingOM event log for more info. 0x80073CF2ERROR_INSTALL_INVALID_PACKAGEThe package data isn’t valid.0x80073D00ERROR_PACKAGE_UPDATINGThe app can’t be started because it’s currently updating. 0x80073D01ERROR_DEPLOYMENT_BLOCKED_BY_POLICYThe package deployment operation is blocked by policy. Contact your system administrator.Package deployment is blocked by Application Control Policies, Package deployment is blocked by the “Allow deployment operations in special profiles” policy. One of the possible reasons is the need for a roaming profile.See Deploy Roaming User Profiles to set up Roaming User Profiles on user accounts. If there are no policies configured on your system and you still see this error, perhaps you are logged in with a temporary profile. Log out and log in again, then try the operation again. 0x80073CF4ERROR_INSTALL_OUT_OF_DISK_SPACEThere isn’t enough disk space on your computer. Free some space and try again. 0x80073CF5ERROR_INSTALL_NETWORK_FAILUREThe package can’t be downloaded. 0x80073CF6ERROR_INSTALL_REGISTRATION_FAILUREThe package can’t be registered. 0x800700BERROR_BAD_FORMATThe package isn’t correctly formatted and needs to be re-built or re-signed. You may get this error if there is a mismatch between the signing certificate subject name and the AppxManifest.xml publisher name. 0x80073CF7ERROR_INSTALL_DEREGISTRATION_FAILUREThe package can’t be unregistered. You may get this error while removing a package. 0x80073CF8ERROR_INSTALL_CANCELThe user canceled the install request. 0x80073CF9ERROR_INSTALL_FAILEDThe package install failed. Contact the software vendor. 0x80073CFAERROR_REMOVE_FAILEDPackage removal failed. You may get this error for failures that occur during the package uninstall. ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUNDThe package couldn’t be found.You may get this error while removing a package that isn’t installed for the current user. 0x80073CFCERROR_NEEDS_REMEDIATIONThe app can’t be started. Try reinstalling the app. 0x80073CFDERROR_INSTALL_PREREQUISITE_FAILEDA specified install prerequisite couldn’t be satisfied. 0x80073CFEERROR_PACKAGE_REPOSITORY_CORRUPTEDThe package repository is corrupted.You may get this error if the folder referenced by this registry key doesn’t exist or is corrupted: To recover from this state, refresh your PC. 0x80073CFFERROR_INSTALL_POLICY_FAILURETo install this app, you need a developer license or a sideloading-enabled system.Debugging: You may get this error if the package doesn’t meet one of the following requirements: The app is deployed using F5 in Visual Studio on a computer with a Windows Store developer license,The package is signed with a Microsoft signature and deployed as part of Windows or from the Windows Store, The package is signed with a trusted signature and installed on a computer with a Windows Store developer license, a domain-joined computer with the AllowAllTrustedApps policy enabled, or a computer with a Windows Sideloading license with the AllowAllTrustedApps policy enabled. 0x80073D02ERROR_PACKAGES_IN_USEThe package couldn’t be installed because the resources it modifies are currently in use. 0x80073D03ERROR_RECOVERY_FILE_CORRUPTThe package couldn’t be recovered because the data that’s necessary for recovery is corrupted. 0x80073D04ERROR_INVALID_STAGED_SIGNATUREThe signature isn’t valid. To register in developer mode, AppxSignature.p7x and AppxBlockMap.xml must be valid or shouldn’t be presentPossible workaround: If you are a developer using F5 with Visual Studio, ensure that your built project directory doesn’t contain signature or block map files from previous versions of the package. 0x80073D05ERROR_DELETING_EXISTING_APPLICATIONDATA_STORE_FAILEDAn error occurred while deleting the package’s previously existing application data. Cause: You get this error if the simulator is running. Close the simulator. 0x80073D06ERROR_INSTALL_PACKAGE_DOWNGRADENo details found. 0x80073D07ERROR_SYSTEM_NEEDS_REMEDIATIONAn error in a system binary was detected. Try refreshing the PC to fix the problem. 0x80073D08ERROR_APPX_INTEGRITY_FAILURE_EXTERNALA corrupted non-Windows binary was detected on the system. 0x80073D09ERROR_RESILIENCY_FILE_CORRUPTThe operation couldn’t be resumed because data that’s necessary for recovery is corrupted. 0x80073CF3ERROR_INSTALL_RESOLVE_DEPENDENCY_FAILEDThe package failed to update, dependency, or conflict validation.Causes: The incoming package conflicts with an installed package, A specified package dependency can’t be found, The package doesn’t support the correct processor architecture.Debugging: Check the AppXDeployment-Server event log for more info. 0x80070057E_INVALIDARGOne or more arguments are not valid If you check the AppXDeployment-Server event log and see the following event; “While installing the package, the system failed to register the windows repository extension due to the following error: The parameter is incorrect.”Cause: You may get this error if the manifest elements DisplayNameDescription: contain characters disallowed by Windows firewall; namely “|” and “all”, due to which Windows fails to create the AppContainer profile for the package. Please remove these characters from the manifest and try installing the package. 0x80073D0AERROR_INSTALL_FIREWALL_SERVICE_NOT_RUNNINGThe package couldn’t be installed because the Windows Firewall service isn’t running. Enable the Windows Firewall service and try again. 0x800B0100TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURENo signature is present in the subject. Cause: You may get this error if the package is unsigned or the signature isn’t valid. The package must be signed to be deployed. 0x800B0109CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOTA certificate chain processed but terminated in a root certificate that isn’t trusted by the trusted provider. 0x800B010ACERT_E_CHAININGA certificate chain couldn’t be built to a trusted root certification authority. 0x80080209APPX_E_INVALID_SIP_CLIENT_DATAThe SIP_SUBJECTINFOstructure used to sign the package didn’t contain the required data 0x80080200APPX_E_PACKAGING_INTERNALThe packaging API has encountered an internal error. 0x80080201APPX_E_INTERLEAVING_NOT_ALLOWEDThe package isn’t valid because its contents are interleaved. 0x80080202APPX_E_RELATIONSHIPS_NOT_ALLOWEDThe package isn’t valid because it contains OPC relationships. 0x80080203APPX_E_MISSING_REQUIRED_FILEThe package isn’t valid because it’s missing a manifest or block map, or a code integrity file is present but a signature file is missing. Workaround: Ensure that the package isn’t missing one or more of these required files:  \AppxManifest.xml and \AppxBlockMap.xml. If the package contains \AppxMetadata\ it must also contain \AppxSignature.p7x. 0x80080204APPX_E_INVALID_MANIFESTThe package’s AppxManifest.xml file isn’t valid. 0x80080205APPX_E_INVALID_BLOCKMAPThe package’s AppxBlockMap.xml file isn’t valid. 0x80080206APPX_E_CORRUPT_CONTENTThe package contents can’t be read because it’s corrupted. 0x80080207APPX_E_BLOCK_HASH_INVALIDThe computed hash value of the block doesn’t match the has a value stored in the block map. 0x80080208APPX_E_REQUESTED_RANGE_TOO_LARGEThe requested byte range is over 4 GB when translated to a byte-range of blocks. I hope the codes were useful, and you were able to find out the meaning of the codes, and workarounds for those listed. Speaking of Error Codes, these posts too, are likely to be of interest to you: