How to remove Recent Files in Photoshop

Since the Photoshop tool is a complex program, if one doesn’t have the correct knowledge, you might believe that clearing the recent file list is a difficult proposition, but that is so far from the truth. So, let us explain how to accomplish this task.

How to hide the Recent File list in Adobe Photoshop

Before we discuss how to delete the contents on the list, we will first explain how to hide the Recent File list in Photoshop:

Going forward, you should no longer see files in the Recent File List. Read: Photoshop Tips and Tricks

How to delete files from the Recent File list in Adobe Photoshop

The next thing we want to do here is to delete Recent files in Photoshop so that others cannot tell what you’ve been working on. With that, all recent files on the list have now been cleared. It’s now impossible for someone to use the Recent File List area to view your work. However, we should point out that PhotoShop will still keep track of all your recently opened and used files, even if they are no longer listed. You can prove this to be true by changing the recent file list number from 0 to 10, and right away, content will populate the list. As it stands, then, we have no idea how to completely turn it off, so if you have any idea, we suggest sharing it with us in the comments section. Read: How to add Copyright and Contact Information to Images in Photoshop

Where are Photoshop Recent files stored?

To find out where Recent files are stored in Adobe Photoshop, click on File > Open Recent. You will now see a list of your recent files. Click on any to open them in the image editor. The photos will open no matter where they’re saved on your computer.

How do I turn off Cloud saves in PhotoShop?

Saving files in the cloud via PhotoShop is quite useful, but not everyone wants to take advantage of the feature. To turn it off, then, you are required to click on Edit, then select Preferences. From there, you need to navigate to the General section. Finally, got o File Handling and be sure to deselect Default Save to Creative Cloud, and that’s it.

How do I clear the Cache in Photoshop?

Clearing the cache in Adobe Photoshop is quite easy, more so than you might otherwise expect. To get it done, you must first ensure an image is opened in the app. From there, click on Edit then hover the mouse over Purge in order to reveal the cache option. Choose the specific item you want to delete, then from there, delete all available cache.