Pin Windows Update to Windows 10 Start Menu

Open Settings > Update and Security Right-click on Windows Update and select Pin to Start

Pin Windows Update to Windows 10 Taskbar

Create a desktop shortcut and use the following path in the Target field: Then drag the desktop shortcut to the taskbar.

Pin Windows Update to Windows 8 Start Screen or Windows 7 Start Menu

This is simple. Open Control Panel and right-click on Windows Update and select Pin to Start. You will see the shortcut pinned to your Start.

Pin Windows Update to the Windows 8/7 Taskbar

To do this, open Control Panel and then drag-and-drop Windows Update to your desktop. Alternatively, you could also select Create shortcut instead – and its shortcut will be created on your desktop.  

Now right-click on the icon and chose ‘Properties’. Then, under the ‘Shortcut tab’ enter the following address for the Target field: If this does not work for you, and you are unable to change the Target field, then do the following instead. Delete the just created desktop shortcut. Now, right-slick on Desktop > New > Shortcut. In the location path, type the following, name it Windows Update and click Next: A desktop shortcut will be created. Now right-click on the icon and chose ‘Properties’. Under Shortcut tab, change the ‘Run’ menu to ‘Minimized‘. Click OK.

Next, click on Change icon and enter the icon path as: Click Apply/OK. The icon will change. Finally, right-click on the Windows Update icon on your Desktop screen. You should find the Pin to Taskbar option there now. Click on it. The shortcut will get pinned to your Taskbar. Else you could simply drag and drop it on to your Taskbar.

A single click on the taskbar icon will now open Windows Update settings directly.