Once you join the Insider program, you will get early access to features, and updates that will not be available to everyone. It also means that you are practically testing OneDrive for any sort of bugs. That said, here is a big catch that not many know about— If your computer is part of Windows Insider Preview, then OneDrive is already getting pre-release updates. However, since many of us are not interested in Windows Insider, you will have to join the OneDrive Insider Preview program manually.

OneDrive Insider Preview Program

To join the preview program of OneDrive on Windows 10, follow these steps: Having done this, the next time OneDrive looks for an update, it will download preview version.

How to Rollback from OneDrive Insider Preview Program

While it is easy to move to the Insider program, to roll back to the standard version again, you have to follow a different procedure: You don’t have to download all the files again. Microsoft has made it a lot easier to enroll for OneDrive Insider program, especially when you are testing the Windows Insider. Related reads: