How to group emails in Outlook

Follow the steps below to group emails in Outlook: Launch Outlook.

On the View tab in the Current group, click the View Settings button. An Advanced View Compact Settings: Compact dialog box will open.

Click the Group By button. The Group By button will direct you to the Group By settings. A Group By dialog box will open.

Uncheck the check box for “Automatically group according to arrangement.”

Under the Section Group items by, select the first field to group your email by; you can select up to four grouping levels. You can choose to group your emails by Attachment, categories, CC, Conversation, Created, Do Not AutoArchive, Due Date, Flag completed date, Flag Statue, Follow up Flag, From, etc. You can choose to sort your group headings in Ascending and Descending orders by clicking their options button. In the select available fields from section, click the list box and choose a field. The fields list box includes Address fields, Date/Time fields, All document fields, All mail fields, All Post fields, All Contact fields, All Appointment fields, etc. In the Expand/ collapse defaults section, click the list box and choose how you want your email groups to be shown. You can choose any of the options: All expanded, All collapse, and As last viewed. Click OK. Then click OK for the Advanced View Compact Settings: Compact dialog box.

The Emails are grouped. The group options you have selected are shown as a header (section) of the email in your inbox. You can use the collapse and expand button to expand and collapse the grouped emails in your inbox or right-click the header and select Collapse All Groups or Expand All Groups.

Is there a way to group emails in Outlook?

Yes, there is a way to group your emails in Outlook; you can group your emails by conversations. A Conversation is a thread of messages with the same subject. To group messages by Conversation; click the View tab, and check the checkbox for Conversation in the Messages group. You can group messages in various options by using the Group By settings that we will discuss in this tutorial. Read: How to Create, Manage & Change Inbox View in Outlook

How do I get rid of grouped emails in Outlook?

To get rid of grouped emails in Outlook. If you are grouping emails by conversations, uncheck the Conversation check box on the view tab in the Message group. If you have group messages using the Group By settings, click the Clear All button and check the check box for “Automatically group according to arrangement,” then click OK for both boxes. The messages will return to normal in your inbox.

How to group emails in Outlook by sender?

There are two methods that you can use to group emails by sender in Outlook. Method one is to open the folder; select the email you want to group by the sender; click the View tab and click From in the Arrangement gallery. Method 2 is to click the View Settings button in the Current View group; when the An Advanced View Compact Settings: Compact dialog box opens, click the Group By button. A Group By dialog box will open. Uncheck the check box for “Automatically group according to arrangement.”Under the Section Group items by; click the first field drop-down arrow and select the From option from the menu. Click Ok for both dialog boxes.

How to group emails by subject in Outlook?

There are two methods you can use to group emails by subject in Outlook. Method one: select the email you want to group by its subject. Click the View tab and click the More button in the Arrangement gallery. Select Subject from the Gallery. Method 2: click the View Settings button in the Current View group; when the An Advanced View Compact Settings: Compact dialog box opens, click the Group By button. A Group By dialog box will open. Uncheck the check box for “Automatically group according to arrangement.”Under the Section Group items by; click the first field drop-down arrow and select the Subject option from the menu. Then click Ok for both dialog boxes We hope this tutorial helps you understand how to group email messages in Outlook.