Enable Dark Mode on Windows 11

The procedure to activate Dark Mode on Windows 11 is as follows: That’s it! The theme of your system will change to dark mode.

Why would a person want to use a dark theme on their system?

Dark Mode is beneficial for the following reasons:

1] Dark Mode reduces eye strain

The contrast difference between the text and the background is higher in the case of the Dark Mode. This means that the strain on the eyes would be less since they would have to work less to read the same text. Read: Windows stuck in Dark Mode; How to get out of it?

2] Dark Mode reduced exposure to blue light

The blue component of light could be very harmful to the eyes and is also responsible for sleeplessness and eye strain. Many doctors recommend dimming the light of your system hours before sleeping. The Dark Mode does the same job without adding any difficultly in reading the screen. Even more, the Dark Mode makes it less stressful to view the screen in a dark room. Read: Best Windows 11 Themes from Microsoft Store.

3] Dark Mode increases battery life

Dark Mode is known to save on power since brighter colors of the screen add to power consumption on the system. The prolonged battery life also helps with the longevity of the system. Read: Is Dark Mode better for your eyes?

4] Better aesthetics

Dark Mode is unconventional and that itself makes the concept attractive. The Dark Mode makes your screen different from most on similar systems because very few users use the Dark Mode. Read: How to switch back to the Classic Start Menu in Windows 11.

Switch from Dark Mode to Light Mode in Windows 11

While the Dark Mode is excellent and has many benefits, if you don’t like it and wish to change or switch back to the original Light Mode, then the procedure is as follows:

If you want, you can also switch between Light and Dark Mode automatically or even create a Keyboard Shortcut to switch between Dark Mode and Light Mode. Hope it is helpful! Read next: How to Enable or Disable the Startup Sound on Windows 11.