The Intel USB 3.0 Monitor (iusb3mon.exe) in the USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver is a background Windows OS Service that monitors the Plug and Play status of all USB ports and generates pop-up event notifications. For Intel USB 3.0 Monitor and other programs related to it to work properly, iusb3mon.dll is crucial. If it is missing from your computer, then the programs that need it may go haywire or stop working. Let’s see how we can fix the error.

iusb3mon.dll is missing from your computer

The common errors we see regarding iusb3mon.dll are:

iusb3mon.dll is missingiusb3mon.dll error loadingiusb3mon.dll crashediusb3mon.dll was not foundiusb3mon.dll could not be locatediusb3mon.dll Access ViolationThe procedure entry point iusb3mon.dll errorCannot find iusb3mon.dllCannot register iusb3mon.dll

These are the fixes that can help you in fixing iusb3mon.dll errors easily. Let’s see each fix in detail.

1] Re-register the iusb3mon.dll file

The simple fix for iusb3mon.dll that is missing from your computer is to re-register it. You have to copy/paste the DLL file into the C:\Windows\System32 folder and then register it.

2] Check for Driver Updates

Another way to fix the iusbmon.dll missing error is to update the drivers related to it. Since system updates do the process of updating drivers too, check for Driver and Optional Updates to your Windows and install them. You can check for updates in the Settings app.

3] Scan your PC for malware

There are huge chances that malware might be the possible reason for the error. To fix it, scan your PC with antivirus and anti-malware programs. If they find any traces of malware or any such issues, the programs fix them automatically and show you a report.

4] Reinstall Intel USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver

Another simple way to fix the iusbmon.dll is missing error is to uninstall the Intel® USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver from your PC and reinstalling it. The driver is available for download here at

5] Perform System Restore

The final fix for the iusb3mon.dll is to restore your Windows when everything was working fine without the iusb3mon.dll error. This way you can fix the error and get your PC back to normal. Your issue with iusb3mon.dll should be fixed by now. If you have any doubts or suggestions, do let us know in the comments section. Read: Failed to load DLL file on Windows 10 computer.