Despite it being one of the most actively used utilities on the internet, there are several issues users can face while using Gmail, including the “Address Not Found” problem. If you’re unclear about what this error means, you may face it when you’re trying to deliver an email to an illegitimate or protected Gmail account. When faced with this error, it means that your message hasn’t gone through to the email address you provided, and you’re supposed to enter a different, valid email ID.

Fix Address Not Found error in Gmail

The most common reason behind this is wrong recipient mail and spelling errors. It is also possible that the email address you’re trying to deliver to has been deleted or that you’ve been blocked from sending emails to this address. Lastly, even technical glitches at your or Gmail’s end can cause you to face the “Address Not Found” problem. Let’s now look at how you can fix this:

1] Check the recipient’s email address

Right off the bat, the first thing you should try is to check for any mistakes that you might’ve made in entering the recipient’s email address. The most common errors people make while entering an email address include; including or omitting one or more characters or not using the right email client. Also, ensure that you are not blocked by the recipient.

2] Check if the receiver’s email address has been deleted

You will face this error if the receiver’s email address doesn’t exist anymore. Here’s how you can check if the recipient’s email ID is no longer available: In such a case, we suggest you seek a different email address for the recipient.

3] Ensure that the recipient’s email is serviced

It’s possible that the domain of a custom email account may not have been serviced, in which case you may be presented with the error in question. If so, you can check with the recipient and schedule an email at a time when the domain is serviced. Here’s how you can schedule an email on Gmail: Your email will then be scheduled and delivered without failures, provided the recipient’s email is working properly.

4] Check if the Gmail server is down

Lastly, you should also make sure that the Gmail server is up and running well. Although a rarity, Gmail, too, can face runtime errors from time to time, so make sure that isn’t the case when you’re experiencing the “Address Not Found” error. You can check the status of the Gmail server from the Google Workspace Status Dashboard here. This page helps you keep up with the status of not just Gmail but all the primary Google apps and the ones auxiliary to them. Read: Fix Something went wrong Gmail error

How do I fix an invalid email address?

An invalid email address is one that doesn’t comply with the required format of an email address. The most common reasons for your email to be shown invalid are a change in some part of the email address body, or the domain or email client server to be dead. If you have an invalid email address and wish to fix it, you can do so by notifying the email company, checking for any spelling mistakes or renewing your domain service.

How do I check an email address is valid?

There are several ways for you to make sure that an email address is valid before you choose to send over some information. You can check if an email address is valid by sending over a sample email, going through the process of password recovery (you can only do this with a valid email address) or by looking up its IP address. You also have various online services that will check this for you. We hope that this post sufficiently cleared your doubts about the “Address Not Found” error on Gmail and that you’ll now be able to resolve it, if need be.

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