F-Secure KEY Password Manager

Like our freeware PassBox, F-Secure KEY too is a free password manager. F-Secure KEY will help you store your passwords, user names and other credentials securely so that you can access them wherever you are, from any device – including Windows PCs, smartphones, tablets and Macs, using one master password. Once you have downloaded and installed the free software, you will be required to create a new account. Enter a strong master password while creating a new account.

You will then be taken to the main window. On the top you will see the F-Secure KEY news feed, that will keep you abreast of important security developments. Here you can add a password, connect your devices and even import passwords from elsewhere. Adding a password is simple. Fill up the fields, including the URL, username, credit card details, etc and generate strong passwords if you feel the need, and click on Save. The password generator lets you generate strong passwords of up to 32 characters. You can choose the kind of password you want.

F-Secure KEY also lets you connect all your devices. For this you will need to generate a synchronization code and Enter the code on every one of your devices.

F-Secure KEY  will allow you to import F-Secure Key export files or XML format export files from your other Password Managers. You can download F-Secure KEY password manager from F-Secure.com. There is a free version available too. It supports Windows 11/10, Android, iOS, and macOS.

Is there a free version of F-Secure?

Yes, there is a free version of the F-Secure KEY password manager. You can download the free version and use it on Windows 11 as well as Windows 10 computers. Whether you need to save your credentials or create strong passwords, you can use the F-Secure KEY password manager to get the job done.

Does F-secure have a password manager?

Yes, the company, F-secure, offers a password manager, which is known as F-secure KEY. This free password manager is compatible with almost all the versions of Windows, including Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, etc. You can download it from the official website or follow the aforementioned link. You might want to also check out Trend Micro DirectPass, another free password manager from a well-known security firm.