Email Insights for Windows

Email Insights is a lightweight email client for Windows from Microsoft Garage that offers you a faster way of searching your Outlook & Gmail Inbox.

The app also has some additional smart features including contextual autocorrect, spelling correction and “fuzzy” name search. Contextual name search eliminates the need to remember spellings of peoples’ names. For instance, ‘Chris’ gets corrected to ‘Kris’ and ‘Philip’ gets corrected to ‘Philippe,’ depending on your inbox and the contacts that you have saved. Email Insights automatically remembers all of them and puts your searches in context at a later stage. The program was initially developed as part of a hackathon project, but the true potential was realized when the idea of transforming it into a search companion for Gmail and Outlook came about. The idea was to develop a tool that could quickly and effectively search emails, increasing productivity, and decreasing frustration. Email Insights is a program that can be used by everyone from developers to basic users. For developers, it can come in handy for when they are busy coding and want to quickly perform email-related tasks. For users, it can apply a command interface over emails, is useful for anyone who wants better search results and who may prefer the Linux-like shell.

Microsoft Garage is an exciting venture from Microsoft that helps get promising apps and program ideas onto the bigger screen with the exposure provided by the tech giant. Email Insights, Video Breakdown, Clip Layer, Kaizala, Sprightly, News Pro 3.0 and Color Binoculars are some examples of the experimental apps that made it big through Microsoft Garage. Those of you who are interested can download Email Insights from here. Do read its User Guide for tips on using it. It is also available in the Windows Store.