There can be multiple combinations of situations where Disqus for comments may work or fail. At times we have seen Disqus comment box on the mobile, but not on desktop and vice versa. In some cases, you may see the default WordPress comment box. And if you were to post a comment here, it would unfortunately not appear in Disqus.

Disqus comments not loading

If a website owner has tweaked some settings related to some cache plugin this can happen. In this case, the only option you have is to bring the issue to the notice of the site owner. If after an update there a core file that has changed or if there is a conflict, Disqus will fail to load. You would see that website’s native WordPress comment system in that case. If you face this issue, you as an end-user could try the following: Make sure to try them one by one, and check each time if there is a change. It will make sure you can figure out the exact cause. So, if it repeats in the future, you will know how to fix the Disqus comments not loading problem.

1] Clear browser cache

The cache plays an essential role as it helps you load files faster. If files related to Disqus have changed, it may not load Disqus comments properly or not at all. Technically, it should automatically manage this, but things happen, and it could be the case. All browsers have the Clear Cache feature. Here are methods for Edge, Firefox and Chrome. If it doesn’t work, you may want to clear cookies related to that website and Disqus. It may force to download new files.

2] InPrivate or Incognito mode

These modes load up everything as it is the first time you had accessed all the related files. Its commonly used by many to check if the applied changes have been applied. All browsers offer InPrivate or Incognito mode, give it a try. Here is how to do in

Edge InPrivate ModeChrome IncognitoFirefox InPrivate

3] Use a different browser

The first investigation you should make is if it’s happening across all browsers and devices? If it’s only loading on the mobile, but not on the desktop, then you know where you need to fix things. The second check is to find if its browser-specific issue. You may not like it, but it’s a good idea to have 2-3 browsers installed for situations like this. Open the website in different browsers, and check if the issue persists. If it’s happening only in one browser, then follow the next step, else skip.

4] Safe Mode (Disable plugins, extensions and add-ons)

Many a time, the extensions and the Disqus comments get into conflict. If the add-on restricts loading a file or uses the same element as the comment system, then loading may stop. It’s a good idea to check using Safe Mode. In this mode, all plugins, extensions, and add-ons are disabled, and the browser loads up in the vanilla form. You can use this mode in all browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. The Edge browser is built on the Chromium engine and should work the same as Chrome. Please scroll down below and let us know if the Disqus comment box is loading for you. I hope you are able to fix the problem Disqus comments not loading for websites you often visit. If nothing here helps, you may need to contact the site owner.