Now, we should point out that this is a portable program, so there’s nothing to install. Furthermore, it doesn’t take up a lot of resources when in use, and that’s great for those who are running it on lower-end devices. Not to mention, the main screen is bland, and while some might find that to be a problem, we do not. You see, being bland means less distraction, and since this is a text compare app, there’s really no need for a ton of things on the main section.

How to use Text Comparator on Windows 10

When it comes down to comparing bodies of text, this task is not always easy to do, but with the right tool such as Text Comparator, it becomes a breeze. The process involved is as follows:

Compare two Text files

1] Compare texts

When it comes down to comparing texts, this can be accomplished with relative ease. You see, there are two text boxes for users to paste their text. Just copy the preferred body of texts and paste them in their respective areas. The tool takes no time to compare texts, but in truth, it all depends on the amount of text and the speed of your computer. The good news is, an internet connection is not required, therefore, it will work at any time and anywhere. 2] Compare info

Bear in mind that once the user has filled both text boxes with text, the tool will show information based on what it has found. Under each box, then, the user will see the words “Click Here.” Simply click on that word to open a new window, and it should show information pertaining to the text in the respective box. It won’t show a lot, mind you, but enough to get the idea across. And that’s good because things are kept simple. 3] Unmatched document

If your texts do not match, then chances are you’ll be wondering what are the causes and what to do next. In order to know what to do next, you’ll need to learn the cause, and for this to happen, the user must click on the words Un-Match to get all the necessary data. It doesn’t deliver a ton of data, but what it shows should be a good amount of information to get folks on their way to fixing what needs to be rectified. Overall, we like what Text Comparator brings to the table, even though it’s very much a simple thing. But you know what, simple is the way to go with these type of tools, so we’re fully onboard and you should too. Download the Text Comparator tool directly from here.