Best ways to store and safeguard your Passwords

You can store your passwords safely and secure them in the following ways. Let’s get into the details of each way to store and secure your password.

1] Password Manager applications

There are many free and paid password manager software that store and safeguard your passwords securely. They even suggest strong passwords while creating accounts or changing passwords of the accounts. They store usernames and passwords against the domain name or address and locked with a master password that only you can know. If you share the master password with anyone, the security aspect of password managers is gone, as they can be accessed from anywhere. Using a good desktop password manager software installed on your computer is the best way to save passwords, in our opinion.

2] Using  online password managers

There are also some good  free online password managers that you may want to consider. The main advantage of online password managers over desktop-based password manager software is portability. They can be used on any computer and web browser without having to install additional software. The major disadvantage of online password managers is that you have to be 100% sure that you trust the website. Read: Create stronger passwords and passphrases using ASCII characters

3] Store in your browsers

Whenever we log in to a web page on our web browsers, they send you a prompt asking you to let it save your password for easy login again. You can save your passwords there as they are becoming more secure with time. Browsers like Firefox suggest strong passwords while creating accounts. The passwords you save on the browsers can be accessed by everyone who uses the browser. If your PC is used by anyone, it is not a good way to store passwords. Saving passwords in the web browser is not considered the best way to save passwords securely, though! Read: Manage, edit and view saved passwords in Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge

4] Store in note-making apps with a lock

There are note-making apps that can be secured with a lock like Evernote. You can save your passwords on them and log out of them. When you need the passwords, you can log in, get the passwords and log out again. This is not a secure way like the others, as you need to enter credentials manually every time and remember the password.

5] Write down somewhere the old fashioned way

The other way to store passwords is by writing them somewhere, omitting a few memorable letters you can never forget. After writing them, you need to store the paper or book so that no one finds it except you. As you omit some letters, the passwords are secure even if someone finds them. If there is a pattern in the letters you omit, the entire process is a waste of time as someone can crack it. Read: How to Enable Password Reuse or Unsafe password storage warnings in Windows 11

6] Do not repeat passwords

The best way to safeguard passwords is never to repeat them or reuse them for other accounts. Repeating passwords makes it easier for others to break into your account. Also, change the passwords regularly to safeguard your online accounts. These are the different ways using which you can store passwords and secure them.

What is the most secure way to store your passwords?

You can store them on a trusted desktop password manager software and lock them with a master password. Also, to secure the passwords, you must change them regularly to stronger ones and never repeat the old ones. Related read: How to disable built-in Password Manager in Chrome, Edge, Firefox

What is one way you can safeguard your passwords?

You can safeguard your passwords by changing them regularly, never repeating them on other accounts, settings stronger passwords without a pattern, and storing them on password manager apps with a master password to lock them.

Is there an app that stores all your passwords?

There are many apps that stores all your passwords, like LastPass, Kaspersky, Bitwarden Password Manager, KeePass, LastPassword, 1Password, NordPass, etc. They all offer free and premium services to store and safeguard your passwords.