Not the best of names, that’s for sure, but the name isn’t important here. We’ve chosen to give Bacar a test drive to see if it’s competent enough to backup and restore files on Windows 10, so to give you a deep understanding of what’s going on here; we decided to talk about our experience.

How to use Bacar Backup Tool

From the get-go, you’ll realize that Bacar is lightweight due to the file size being well under 1MB. This is because it’s a command line tool, which means, you won’t be seeing much of a regular user interface with this thing. Now, after downloading, you should see that Bacar is a portable tool, so there is nothing to install. Just launch the file, and boom, you’re good to go. The interface you’ll be seeing every time is that of a command line. At first launch, and every launch after that, the tool constantly shows the options available to users.

Always prepare for a backup

Because this tool doesn’t have a traditional user interface, you can’t just go in without knowing what to do. It is up to you to take the time out to organize and decide what needs to be done in order to make everything easier. For example, decide on the backup medium. Do you want to add your files to physical media or the cloud? Additionally, set the structure of the backup directory, and get an idea of how often you want to back up your files. Being prepared is the best way to get the best out of Bacar, so keep on doing this, and you’ll be fine.

Synchronize backed up content

This is another cool feature we’ve come to enjoy in this tool. OK, so if you decide to back up your files to a USB drive, you can continuously synchronize the files to keep them updated. It means if you make changes to an important document, just use the synchronize command to update the old version on your USB stick or drive. It’s pretty impressive, and most importantly, it works quite well. Download Bacar right here from the official website and let us know how you like using it.