Automatically copy selected text in Firefox to Clipboard or Notepad

AutocopySelection2Clipboard is a Firefox add-on that eliminates the need to use the “Ctrl+C” console while duplicating content. Its use is restricted to Firefox browser only. If you find yourself copying text from your browser quite often, this add-on can make life easier for you.

How to get started?

Visit the link given at the end of the post to install the Firefox add-on. Once installed, open up the web page from where you would want to copy text. Next, select the text you want to copy, and then open up the application where you want to save the text – e.g. Notepad. When done, use Ctrl+V. The text you selected in your browser will now automatically get pasted in Notepad without any Paste action. Please note that by default, AutocopySelection2Clipboard copies text in Plain Text format. If you head over to the Add-Ons section and click on the add-on’s options, you will also notice options to copy the text in HTML format as well. You can also access the add-on’s options window and select to copy the text with its formatting or not. By default, it is set to copy everything as plain text. The add-on doesn’t copy text in input fields. However, you can enable it by checking the ‘Monitor the selection in input fields’ option. Apart from the above, AutocopySelection2Clipboard offers another useful option to monitor the selection in input fields. Enabling this option allows a user to copy text in input fields or forms.

Some shortfalls of AutocopySelection2Clipboard

There appears to be no way to disable the unwanted copy-on-selection behavior. A user can select ‘formatting’ or ‘unformatting’ only for copying option and not for pasting. Moreover, the add-on doesn’t copy images. You can install the AutocopySelection2Clipboard add-on from here.

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