Why you should go for a self-hosted blog

For some newcomers, I suggest that you use first try WordPress.com or Blogger.com to facilitate your entry into the world of blogging. Once you have got your hands wet, I always suggest that you move on to hosting your own domain. Why? The following reasons may give you some answers:

  1. CONTROL –  When you have your own blog or you have a self-hosted blog you have all the control &  authority. You can decide on what to do and you can manage it well for the benefit of you and your blog as well. Since you have the authority over your blogs, you can now decide what to do on your blogs.  That is why you really manage it well for some other reasons.
  2. POPULARITY – If you have the intention of making it your business then it is a big help if you start a WordPress self-hosted blog. WordPress is a very popular blogging format and it will also help you to popularize your blog more if you self-host it.
  3. EARN MONEY – Once your self-hosted blog becomes popular, it is easier for you to start making money online.  You can decide now to earn money online using AdSense, Paid Reviews, Affiliate marketing, In-text ads, etc.
  4. UNLIMITED THEMES – Blogger.com gives you a limited choice of themes. Wordepress.com gives you more. But if you self-host a WordPress blog the choice of blog themes & plugins you have is near unlimited!
  5. SEO FRIENDLY – It is easier to do search engine optimization on a self-hosted blog. WordPress has several plugins because there are lots of plugins available like Platinum SEO, etc which will allow you to carry out SEO easily.
  6. BUILD & OWN YOUR DOMAIN – It can be easier if you have a self-hosted blog because your domain name can be more convenient to remember. You also own the domain name!
  7. EARN RESPECT AS A SERIOUS BLOGGER – Moreover, once you have a self-hosted blog, you will be taken more seriously as a blogger! Those are just a few of those important reasons why a self-hosted blog, esp a WordPress blog is a more convenient way to blog.